Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Samach the Singer

After Shabbos the Alef-Bet family traveled with Final Nun the Neat and Clean Captain to Torah Island. When they arrived there was a Mitzvah Fair going on. The children all enjoyed the rides. After a while they went to see what the vendors were selling. They saw beautiful candlesticks and Neirot, Menorahs, Mezuzahs and many Jewish books. Ima Alef and Daddy Daled bought a special Siddur (prayer book) for each of the children. Suddenly, the children heard singing coming from a distance. When they got closer they saw Samach the Singer performing. He sang beautiful Jewish songs and prayers. The children sang along and had a great time.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Chanie,
    Thank you thank you thank you for all the time you devote to these educational craft projects and for sharing them out of the goodness of your heart.
    Beth Fleisch
    Toms River, NJ
