Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kumatz the Cupcake Lady

KUmatz the CUpcake lady is standing Under an Umbrella because of the hot SUn.
(The blue part of the umbrella can look like a kumatz too.)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ima Alef

Ima Alef was looking for a place to live. She found a house with a note on the door: “You are welcome to live in this house. Please keep it neat and clean.”
Ima Alef was very happy and moved into the house with her family.

Babies Bet and Vet

Mazal Tov! Ima Alef gave birth to twin boys, Baby Bet and Baby Vet! They looked exactly alike. Even Ima couldn’t tell them apart! She decided to sew a button on to Baby Bet. Now everyone was able to tell who was Bet and who was Vet.
Ima Alef taught the twins about Ahavat Yisrael, the Mitzvah of loving our fellow Jew.

Gimmel Girl

One day a guest came to visit. Gimmel Girl was her name. She gave everyone some green grapes. Gimmel Girl was about to throw out the extra grapes into the garbage. Baby Bet and Baby Vet stopped her by teaching her about Bal Tashchis. We are not supposed to waste! Instead Gimmel Girl put the leftover grapes in the refrigerator.

Daled Daddy

Daled Daddy had a large Dreidel collection. Daled Daddy discovered that he lost his dark blue Dreidel. Gimmel Girl said “Gam Zu L’tovah,” this too is for the best! As she helped search for the Dreidel she told everyone about the story of Nochum Ish Gamzu. Guess what? Besides for finding the Dreidel, Gimmel Girl found her dress!

Helpful Hay

Helpful Hay brought some tea for Ima Alef and Daled Daddy. He also used his hammer to help Ima Alef, by hanging some pictures on the wall. Daled Daddy said “You sure have a lot of respect, Derech Eretz, for your parents and teachers!

Helpful Hay said “I’ve been thinking of all the things you do for me and I learnt that when someone does something nice for you, you should show your appreciation and gratitude. Is there anything else I can do to show my Hakoras Hatov for all that you do for me?” Ima Alef said “You’ve been so helpful, but the truth is that I need some vegetables.”

Vuv the Vegetable Man

Vuv the Vegetable man would always ask Helpful Hay to tell him something he learnt at his Jewish school. Helpful Hay said “Today I learnt that just like a fish can not live without water, a Jew can not live without learning Torah!”
Vuv the Vegetable Man taught Helpful Hay about V’Shinantum Livunecha, the Mitzvah of learning and teaching Torah. Vuv the Vegetable man explained that just like we need to eat healthy foods and vegetables to keep our bodies healthy, we need to learn Torah in order to keep our Jewish souls healthy!

Zayin the Zookeeper

When Helpful Hay came home, his parents took him and the rest of the family to the zoo. They wanted to show their Hakoras Hatov, gratitude and appreciation, for all his help! At the zoo they all watched how quickly Zayin the Zookeeper worked to feed all the animals. Ima Alef said we could all learn from Zayin the Zookeeper to fulfill G-d’s commandments with lots of Zrezus, eagerness and speed!

Chet the Challah Lady

At the zoo the Alef-Bet family went to the pond to see the ducks. They were delighted to meet Chet the Challa lady! She was feeding the ducks some leftover Challa. Baby Bet and Baby Vet were happy that the Challa wasn’t going to waste. Chet the Challa lady gave Ima Alef her secret Challa recipe and reminded Ima Alef to be sure to separate a small piece of dough for G-d. This symbolizes that we have to share with others. In the time of the temple the piece of dough that was separated for G-d was called Challa and it was given to the priests who were on duty at that time.

Tet the Teacher

The next day at school Tet the teacher taught her students that G-d is the one who created nature, Tevah, and He is the one who stands behind everything that happens and constantly recreates the world.

Yud the Yarn Girl

During recess Yud the Yarn Girl gave all her friends invitations to her Yom Huledes, birthday party. A Jewish birthday party is very special because we say verses from the Torah and Psalms, and we give some Charity too! Yud the Yarn Girl prepared special dolls made of yarn to give to each guest!

Kuf the Clown

Kuf the Clown came to entertain the children at the Yom Huledes (birthday) party. Yud the yarn girl offered Kuf the Clown some cake.” I’d love to have some of your Kosher Yom Huledes cake,” said Kuf the Clown!

Chuf the Sechach Boy and Final Chuf the Sechach Girl

At the end of the party all the children went outside to play. Across the street they saw Chuf the Sechach Boy and Final Chuf the Sechach Girl cutting branches from a tree. Cuf the Clown said, “Those are my cousins, actually Chuf looks almost like me, he is just missing a button on his shirt. Chuf the Sechach Boy and Final Chuf the Sechach Girl are preparing for the holiday of Sukkot. They are cutting Sechach, which are branches to use for the Sukka covering. Did you know that the Sukkah hut reminds us of how G-d protected the Jews with clouds of glory when they were traveling in the desert?

Lamed the Lulav Lad

The children were surprised that we can do Mitzvot and serve G-d even with branches. Lamed the Lulav Lad said, “I know of another Mitzvah that we can do on the holiday of Sukkot. There is a Mitzvah to take four species and shake them together. We use a palm branch, myrtle branch, willow branch and citrus fruit! Yes, we can use everything that G-d made and every part of our body to serve G-d and fulfill His commandments. All the children thanked Lamed the Lulav Lad for teaching them this lesson and they all went back into the house.

Mem the Mezuzah Boy

Finally it was time to say goodbye. Mem the Mezuzah Boy showed good manners by saying thank you for a fun time. Mem the Mezuzah Boy made sure to kiss the Mezuzah on his way out the door because the Mezuzah protects us all the time.

Final Mem dressed in a Mordechai Costume

A few months later Final Mem and his friends decided to put on a play for the holiday of Purim. Final Mem got the role of Mordechai and went to Michael’s (the craft store) to buy some things to make his own costume. Final Mem loves the holiday of Purim and he really likes costumes because they both end with a Mem sound, just like Final Mem which comes at the end of a word.

Nun the Nurse

At the craft store Final Mem met his neighbor Nun the Nurse. She was buying all different types of pretty candlesticks and Neirot, which are candles, as gifts for the little Jewish girls who were sick in the hospital. She chose this gift because it is a Mitzvah for Jewish women and girls to light Neirot Shabbat every Friday afternoon. Final Mem invited Nun the Nurse to come with her husband for Shabbat dinner and she graciously accepted the invitation.

Final Nun the Neat and Clean Captain

Nun the Nurse and her husband Final Nun the Neat and Clean Captain went to Final Mem’s house for Shabbat dinner. During the meal Final Nun the Neat and Clean Captain told the Alef-Bet family about some of the exciting places he visited on his trips around the world. Final Nun the Neat and Clean Captain invited the Alef-Bet family to join him on a trip to Torah Island. The children were so excited! They asked Final Nun the Neat and Clean Captain if there was anything they could do to help on the ship. The Captain told the children that they could help by keeping the boat neat and clean. Nekayon is the Mitzvah of cleanliness. It is always important to be neat and clean because we are princes and princesses. G-d is the king of the whole world and we are His children. It would not be fitting for a princess to wear a dirty gown or live in a messy palace. When we are clean and when our things are organized we are much happier kids too! On a ship it is especially important to keep ourselves and the boat neat and clean because there aren’t always washing machines on the boat and more importantly, it can be dangerous to have things on the floor when a big wave, wind, or storm come around!

Samach the Singer

After Shabbos the Alef-Bet family traveled with Final Nun the Neat and Clean Captain to Torah Island. When they arrived there was a Mitzvah Fair going on. The children all enjoyed the rides. After a while they went to see what the vendors were selling. They saw beautiful candlesticks and Neirot, Menorahs, Mezuzahs and many Jewish books. Ima Alef and Daddy Daled bought a special Siddur (prayer book) for each of the children. Suddenly, the children heard singing coming from a distance. When they got closer they saw Samach the Singer performing. He sang beautiful Jewish songs and prayers. The children sang along and had a great time.

Ayin the Ice Cream Man

After the concert Final Nun the Captain treated the children and bought them all ice cream. As the children were enjoying their treat they saw Samach the Singer approaching the ice cream truck. Ayin the Ice Cream Man gave Samach the Singer strawberry flavored ice cream and then complimented him for the wonderful concert. Samach the Singer has the quality of Anivus, humility. Samach the singer said that he knows that his talent for singing is a gift from G-d, and therefore he doesn’t brag about his talent. Samach the Singer uses his talent to make children happy and teach them about G-d and His commandments through his songs. Samach the Singer explained that we could learn from Har Sinai that humbleness pays. When G-d was looking for a mountain upon which to give the Torah, all the mountains started arguing about who was the tallest, widest, and most prettiest mountain. G-d chose Har Sinai from all the mountains because he was humble.

Final Nun the Captain and the Alef-Bet family had such a great time together on Torah Island. Final Nun offered to take everyone on his ship to any place they choose. The Alef-Bet family didn’t have to think twice. They all wanted to go to Israel, the Jewish Homeland.

A few weeks later the Alef-Bet family arrived safely in Israel. Final Nun the Captain realized that it would be a great idea to teach the children about some special Mitzvos that only apply in the holy land of Israel.

Pay the Painter

Final Nun the Captain took the Alef-Bet family to a big field. There they met Pay the Painter who was busy painting a big sign that said “Please feel welcome to come in and collect the wheat in the corner of this field.” Pay the Painter saw the puzzled look on the children’s faces and offered to take them to meet Fay the Farmer who owned the field so that he could explain to the children about the special Mitzvah of Payah.

Fay the Farmer

Fay the Farmer was so excited to meet the Alef-Bet family. He explained that it is a Mitzvah for a farmer to leave one corner of his field for the poor people. In this way the poor people don’t even have to feel embarrassed by asking for help. The Mitzvah of Payah allows the poor people to come into the field and take some wheat from the corner of the field.

Final Fay the Chef

Just then Final Fay walked out of Fay the Farmer’s house with a basket of freshly baked rolls which were made from the wheat of the field. Final Fay the Chef offered some to the children and told them that even if you don’t have a field or if you don’t live in Israel you could still give charity and help people in many ways. Final Fay told the children that his job was to prepare delicious meals. After the food was prepared he would help Pay the Painter and Fay the Farmer distribute the food to poor and sick people. The children really learnt a lot from these wonderful people. They took the rolls and thanked Pay, Fay, and Final Fay for the beautiful lessons they learned.

Tzaddik the Tzahal soldier

The Alef-Bet family continued on their tour. On their way they saw a man in a dark green uniform sitting and waiting at a bus stop. The children were able to tell that the man was a Tzahal, IDF (Israeli Defense Force), soldier by his uniform. Uniforms are very helpful because they show us what kind of job a person has and then we can turn to them for help if we need to. Final Nun the Captain called out to Tzaddik the Tzahal soldier and offered to give him a ride home. Tzaddik the Tzahal soldier was so grateful and hopped right in to the van. Helpful Hay told Tzaddik the Tzahal soldier that he wished he could be in the army too. Tzaddik the Tzahal soldier told Helpful Hay that he doesn’t have to wait until he grows up. There is a special army that every Jewish girl and boy can join. It is called the army of Hashem! G-d is our commander-in-chief and when we follow His commands we can be sure that we will win over our enemy, the evil inclination, that little voice inside of us that tells us to misbehave. Helpful Hay asked what a soldier in the army of Hashem’s uniform would be. Tzaddik the Tzahal soldier explained that a Jewish boys uniform is a kippa and Tzizit and a Jewish girls uniform is her modest clothing which covers her elbows and knees. When we wear our Jewish uniforms, everyone can see that we are proud to be Jewish and to belong to the greatest army in the world, the army of Hashem!

Final Tzaddik the Kibbutz worker

Before long, the Alef-Bet family arrived at the Kibbutz where Tzaddik the Tzahal soldier lived. Final Tzaddik the Kibbutz worker invited everyone to stay at the Kibbutz for a few days. A Kibbutz is a place where Jewish people live and work together in the fields. Some of the members do other jobs like cooking, cleaning and taking care of the children so that the other members can work in the fields and orchards. Final Tzaddik asked the children if they wanted to help make Matza for the upcoming holiday of Passover from the wheat from the Kibbutz field. The children were so exited! As the children walked over to the Matza bakery, Final Tzaddik explained to them the difference between Chametz and Matza. Chametz (which ends with a final tzaddik) includes bread, challa, cereal, pasta, cake, cookies, cupcakes, doughnuts etc.., which we can enjoy all year round besides for during the eight days of Passover when we eat Matza instead. Matza, is a special Passover food which is made from wheat and water and must be prepared in less than 18 minutes!